Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade Mocks Rep. Burchett for Prayer in Testy Interview

In a heated segment on Fox News, host Brian Kilmeade appeared to mock Representative Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) for praying about his vote to remove former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA-20).

The following is a transcript of the interaction:

Kilmeade: You’re happy following [Rep.] Matt Gaetz? Is that your leader?

Burchett: I’m not following Matt Gaetz. I made my own decision. I didn’t ask Matt for his approval.

Kilmeade: But if Matt Gaetz didn’t challenge, you weren’t going to challenge.

Burchett: I believe I would have.

Kilmeade: Oh, come on. Please. You’re praying about it one minute, [and] the next minute you’re going to lead an insurgency?

Burchett: So you don’t think that praying about it is important? Is that what you’re saying? Because that’s what you’re saying to America.

Kilmeade: One minute you’re praying about how you’re going to vote with Matt Gaetz, the next minute you’re gonna lead an insurgency?

Burchett: Listen, you’ve got a predetermined answer to everything. I prayed about it.

Kilmeade: No, I have an opinion of what’s going on.

Kinglsey Cortes of the Center for Renewing America called the segment “disgusting behavior from Murdoch News,” referencing Rupert Murdoch, who owns the network.

Burchett is one of eight Republicans who voted in favor of Gaetz’s resolution to remove McCarthy from the speakership, which has been the subject of great controversy in Washington.

Burchett explained his reasoning for the vote in a video he posted to X, formerly known as Twitter, which boiled down to government spending.

“My thought process is like this,” Burchett said. “Kevin McCarthy is my friend, and I’d hate to lose him as a friend, but I had a choice between that and my conscience. And my conscience tells me that we’re $33 trillion in debt, we took off the whole month of August knowing that September was going to come around – it does every year – the end of our budgetary year, our fiscal year, and there’s no urgency, and then we just for a continued resolution.”

“We’re kicking the can 45 days down the road, and then we’ll be right up against the Thanksgiving holiday, and then we’ll put in an omnibus which is a big bill, more spending, more grease, more lobbyists and more special interests,” he said. “The big boys will stay in power. And at some point, we just have to say enough is enough. I hate losing Kevin as a friend. But I worry about losing our country. And in all sincerity, we are rapidly approaching that point.”

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on X / Twitter.
Photo “Brian Kilmeade and Tim Burchett” by Fox News. 




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20 Thoughts to “Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade Mocks Rep. Burchett for Prayer in Testy Interview”

  1. CCW

    You go Tim! D2 is my district. Killmeade will do fine at his new assignment for MSNBC.

  2. GregSchmitty

    Oh the poor military! It can barely scrape up enough to send another $10 billion to the Ukranian money laundering operation! I’m so scared!

  3. Randall Davidson

    Hannity was complaining about not funding the military. Nobody wants to defund the military. Just leave the Confederate States out of it and don’t spend money on changing names, or removing monuments. Thanks……also DONE with fox news….

  4. Teddy

    Tim may have just contributed to handing the power in the house back to the Democrats. Gaetz is a spoiled brat. Bad move, Tim. And yes I am a conservative.

  5. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    Fauxy News is part of the ‘Racket.’ They helped cover up 9/11. They reported early on about Israeli involvement, and then shhhhhhh. I haven’t watched it since.


    Desperate Times call for Desparate Measures

    He is the only person who can unite the Republican Congress. He can still run for POTUS at the same time.
    The best part would be watching the Left Meltdown, while he defunds the corrupt DOJ/FBI & Bidens deliberate invasion on our Southern Border. Thousands of Chinese Nationals (Men of military age) are pouring over the border. Where are they? No one is vetting them or tracking them. We know there are Secret Chinese Police Stations in cities around America. Biden is so compromised he can’t stop them. He just gave $6B dollars to the number one terrorist country in the world Iran, who want us & Israel wiped off the planet. We are sure making it easy for our enemies to destroy us. It’s clear our current leadership is not going to protect America. That’s why we need an uncompromising Warrior as Speaker.
    He is going to be nominated next week. I’d like to see our Tennessee Reps support this clever move.
    He can also STOP our tax dollars going to Corrupt Ukraine Oligarchs, which is more than likely bribe money to keep them quiet about the Biden Crime Family. Zellensky is a disgusting Dictator. He comes to Anerica begging ( no demanding) our money with such disrespect he cannot even wear a coat & tie. From what I’ve read about him, he would probably rather wear a dress & heels.
    They are covering up Bidens global sex trafficking ring. You cannot believe what the MSM is reporting. Listen to Independent News Sources to get the truth.

  7. Chris B

    You summed the Faux propaganda machine up in a nutshell, I saw what they were trying to do to Trump in 2015 and I cut the cable at that time.

  8. Betty Barrett

    I have, until now, thought well of Kilmeade. The most true word I can use to describe what I think of him now is absolute and deep disgust.

  9. Greg

    He voted with Omar! Maybe looking to be her next husband/brother?

  10. Randy

    Kilmeade is not the sharpest marble in the box. Clearly he was coached on why he should be angry with Congressman Burchett. That anger, while misplaced, should be directed at politicians at the ballot box. It is time for the American public to stand up to this nonsense. The integrity of journalism will be no help.

  11. Pandora Vreeland

    Cryin’ Kilmeade was raging and threw the “fair and balanced” mantra right out the window. I give Tim credit for praying for God’s wisdom first and going ahead and making a tough call. He is the nail that is standing up taller than the other nails, and so they can’t wait to hammer him down. More Congressmen from Tennessee should have stood up the way Tim did. I would love to see Steve Scalise become the next speaker of the House. Congressman Green would also be exceptional as speaker, but I would love to have him become the next Governor when Bill Lee must leave due to term limits.

  12. levelheadedconservative

    I would like to see someone nominate Tim Burchett for Speaker. It is time we had someone willing to stand on conservative principle in that role. On the fiscal front, the House needs to pass the 12 appropriations bills – then don’t blink. Wait for the Senate to take them up. If they don’t take them up, stand firm. If they do and compromise is needed, that is the time to determine what may change – not before hand saying, “we had to pass that in order to get them to approve”.

  13. lb

    “Insurgency” …oh spare me kilmeade. This guy is the WORST of the worst of faux news and just another one of a zillion reasons I havent watched it since Tucker was fired.
    I appreciate Tim and am seriously disappointed in my Cong John Rose.
    Too many “go along to get alongs” in the R delegations these days.
    Mocking Tim praying is really beyond the pale but really par for the course on the MSM these days

  14. Joe Blow

    I saw the interview. Kilmeade was an all-out ass. HIs is not a Christian so this is not a surprise.

  15. GregSchmitty

    If you believe Kilmeade is smart enough to voice any opinion not provided to him by the opposition, then you also believe he actually wrote those historical books with his name as the author. The guy couldn’t name 10 President’s if you spotted him 7 and he’s supposedly writing deep tomes of historical figures? It’s a real joke.

  16. GregSchmitty

    The opposition appoints the “conservative” talking heads since the opposition owns the conservative media operations. That is why you have low functioning morons like Kilmeade and Hannity being the voices and faces of the supposed “conservative” media.

    Hint: BlackRock is a large stockholder in Fox Corporation.

  17. Noxville

    “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.” – Proverbs 3:5-7

    “[P]ray without ceasing…” – 1 Thessalonians 5:17

    Think where our country could be if more leaders sought God’s wisdom instead of power.

  18. Michael Rosenbaum

    Nice to see Fox has become CNN 2.0. Gee Brian an insurgency? Really? Have you no clue as to how the Democratic process works? What’s next? Labeling people who pray as insurgents? Oh, wait, we’ve already done that thanks to the Biden administration. Tim Burchett did what he thought was right for the country and it took a lot of courage to stand up against the RINO crowd. He wasn’t virtue signaling like many Republicans do, instead Burchett called out McCarthy for being the RINO he is. There’s a lot of turmoil in the Republican party because of this and there should be. It’s time many Republicans were called out for being sell-outs and appeasers instead of the defenders of the constitution we elected them to be. As the old saying goes, “all Democrats are Democrats and most Republicans are Democrats too. Funny how all these supposed Conservative News channels and talk show hosts are getting mad because Rep. Burchett kept his allegiance to the country, not the party line.

  19. MOVE ON

    This is why I don’t watch Fox anymore. The Murdocks (not Americans) that own Fox have decided to be more like MSNBC (Trump Derangement Syndrome) than a conservative news network. Brian Kilmeade is prosituting himself in order to keep his job by attacking Tim Burchett. Kilmeade isnt exactly on anyone elses Must Have List. It didn’t make any difference that Tim was right about McCarthy not doing what he promised. He sent the House home for 6 weeks when they should’ve been working on Appropriation Bills, knowing that September 30 was looming. I am surprised that Kilmeade was willing to go so low as to attack Tim’s praying. It’s was a tough decision. Cudos to Tim for asking for God’s guidance in making this decision. That alone was very revealing about FOX. Not really a Christian bunch. I never trusted McCarthy in the first place. He is part of the Uniparty. Good Riddance!!!
    Now the Speaker Protempe has sent all home to lick their wounds rather than act like adults & work on Appropropriations or electing a new Speaker & moving on.


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